Ladies only section in Birmingham

Did you know we have a Ladies Only section at JD Gyms Birmingham?


Ladies! …if you’re looking to start the New Year with a bang and smash those fitness goals, we have a super spacious and private area in our gym just for you.

The ladies only area of the gym is situated on the ground floor, alongside our ladies’ changing room and the studios where our classes are held. It’s filled with a great selection of equipment for you to choose from, including both cardio and strength equipment and it’s open between 5am and midnight each day.

We have treadmills, StairMasters, rowing machines and cross trainers. There is a selection of resistance machines, including a hip abductor/adductor machine and a wide range of free weights. There are dumbbells, barbells and accompanying equipment such as benches, Smith machine and a squat rack. A soft matted area is available for stretches or ab workouts too!

The main, unisex gym area is located upstairs, on a completely different floor. If you’re looking for privacy or would feel more comfortable training in a quieter space, the ladies section offers the ideal solution.

As a member of JD Gyms Birmingham, you will have unlimited access to the ladies section, the main gym, all of our classes, plus the relaxing saunas in our changing rooms.

Feel free to come and check out the gym anytime if you’re interested in joining. Our staff will be happy to give you a tour!

See you soon,

JD Gyms Birmingham